of the many advantages of writing a blog is the way it acts as a useful record
of what has been happening in the life of a non-diary-keeper like me. Go back
to this time last year and I am reminded that after a very busy October we had visits
from my dear mother-in-law and DD and her family, with lots of board games and music practice,
conversation and laughter. I’m also reminded that DD
brought with her, and generously shared with me, a cold which gave me a
persistent cough which lasted until the middle of November.
if you want to know what has been happening to me since my last post, you only
need to go back and reread my first paragraph. Granted the busyness this October
wasn’t due to moving house but to helping out every week in the parish plus a
few other activities, but the rest is almost word-for word the same as last
year, right down to the cold and cough.
big difference from last autumn is that we’ve almost reached the middle of November
and are still in Wales. Just like last year, we had been planning to head north
as soon as our visitors had returned home. However when the time came we had no
choice but to reassess the situation. On the one hand there was me, feeling distinctly
under the weather with my bad cold, on the other was DH with an urgent and
unavoidable series of dental appointments if he wants to be able to eat his Christmas
dinner in comfort.
reluctantly we came to the conclusion we had to cancel this autumn’s visit,
which is why we have been enjoying our first November in the new house instead.
Not that the weather has been cooperating with us. After a wonderfully calm, mild and colourful October, November is now doing its best to add to our electricity bills
with leaden skies that necessitate keeping the lights on all day and copious
rain to ensure that the area doesn’t run short of water this winter.
on the bright side, I’ve stopped
coughing and can again blow hard enough to practise my
sadly-neglected clarinet and I’ve finished not only my great-nephew’s sweater, but
also yet another pair of socks for myself. I have all the ingredients for this year’s
batch of mincemeat and, best of all, my recent mammogram came back clear. It will
be a quiet winter here in Wales, but I’m looking forward to it.
The sweater finished at last |
![]() |
And the boy himself wearing it |
Grandson#1 doing organ practice in a nearby village church |
The view from my study on a calm, misty day in October |
The last rose of summer safe on the kitchen windowsill |
P Lovely to read your blog post again. In saying that, I've slipped off the blog radar a bit myself. So sorry that you've had to miss your autumn break, but good news that the nasty cough is relinquishing its grip.Love the knitted sweater and the little chappie wearing it - well he's just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Molly. I seem to have been AWOL yet again, but things are quietening down again and it's good to be back. It's a shame about our trip, but some things are just not meant to be. It was fun to knit something other than socks for once and my great-nephew appears to appreciate my efforts. :)
DeleteIn recent days, I've been thinking of dropping you a line Perpetua, pleading with you not to become an ex-blogger or ex-blog reader either. Hence this immediate response to your note on FB a few minutes ago, and your new post.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about both the November weather and the cold with the persistent cough, but equally glad to hear that the latter has improved to allow the resumption of clarinet practice. And very pleased to hear about the mammogram result!
Please give both my regards & commiserations to DH. I've also recently had several trips to the dentist, to sort out my front crown which keeps working loose. Eventually, my dentist had to fit a new pin, but fortunately, still using the same crown. It was re-fitted yesterday & so far it has remained firm.
Even though you won't be 'in transit' this winter, I do hope there will be more blog posts soon.
I know, I know, Ricky. To be honest I've been so tired over the past couple of weeks with very broken sleep due to the cough that my brain turned to mush. It's amazing how much better I feel after a couple of good nights. :) I'll also be much less busy for a while as I'm not on the service rota until early December, since I should have been away. Time to breathe and read blogs...
DeleteI will pass on your good wishes to DH. Sadly his front crown could no longer be refitted which means one extraction next week followed by a partial denture. He should then be able to tackle all the Christmas fare with unimpaired appetite. :)
As for the blog posts - watch this space.... ;)
Hello there Perpetua! I am pleased to see a post from you but sorry to hear you've been confined to base for a bit longer than usual. Hope the cold is now clearing up completely.
ReplyDeleteLove that jumper - and what a darling boy it is for! Lovely photos as always and a pleasure to drop by. I'm just off on a flying visit to the UK and really very excited. I may even manage a post myself when I return...
Take care and keep practising the clarinet.
The cold has gone completely, thanks, Annie, and I feel so much better now I'm sleeping properly again. I really enjoyed making the jumper, even though there were endless ends to thread in with all the stripes. It was NOT self-patterning yarn. Great-nephew very much resembles DS at the same age and it will be interesting to see if the resemblance remains as he grows.
DeleteEnjoy your trip to the UK and I hope you bring some Spanish sun with you. :)
Hari OM
ReplyDelete...and if you had headed North, the weather would have been no better, I believe, so may as well make the most of home. Which you certainly appear to be doing! That sweater is lovely. Sorry about the cold though.
I have brought myself back to the Great Down Underparts for 7 weeks - to get some decent weather apart from anything else. FAIL. It has been cold and wet for all but one of the first set of seven days. Sigh... I anticipate the sun will make an appearance before long though.
There is something rather peaceful about the 'settling' year though; fog and silence seem to whisper "a time to rest"... Stay warm and wishing full wellness to you! YAM xx
If we had headed north the weather would have been even w orse, if yesterday is anything to go by, Yam. :( The north and west coasts of Scotland have really been catching it with wind, rain and now snow!
DeleteSorry to hear you've travelled so far only to be greeted with yet more rain. Still, that can;'t last for ever there at this time of year, so enjoy your winter sojourn and keep taking those gorgeous photos.
The fog has given way to wind and rain, but that's OK too. Even more excuse to snuggle down by the fire with tea and crumpets. :)
Sorry to hear that the sneezes and cough are still hanging on, but, sounds like you are on the other side of it, Perpetua. Blogging does help us keep track of where we were and what we were doing, doesn't it? I've found myself checking back on this, that, and the other from time-to-time.
ReplyDeleteHow nice to see Grandson #1 - and practicing organ no less. :) , and what a darling sweater for such a darling baby, with lots of stitches of love to keep him warm.
Hold onto that good news - and all that comes as Advent approaches.
Yes, I think I've finally beaten them, Penny, and I'm sleeping so much better now. :) I can't believe how often I use the blog to check details of where and when. It's not why I started it, but is a very useful side-effect.
DeleteGrandson#1 has his Grade 6 organ exam coming up the week after next, so practice was essential and I was very happy to drive him to the church and listen to him more than once during his week with us.
As for our lovely great-nephew, he very much reminds me of DS at the same age. His mother is the daughter of one of my younger sisters and the family resemblance is strong. :)
I'm so sorry that you will have to miss your trip north...but health - whether lungs or gnashers - comes first. It's been quite a year for you both so perhaps taking it (relatively) easy is not a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteSorry to be so late replying, Helen. I'm afraid I wasn't in a blogging mood yesterday after the terrible events in Paris.
DeleteWe're quite resigned now to the fact that we won't head north until the spring. It's actually rather restful to have a few weeks at home with nothing on the calendar because we weren't expecting to be here. A bit like bunking off from school...;)
Hi there Perpetua. So the rumours were all lies. "Abducted by ET's first cousin " indeed.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you're back, even if your plans have been disrupted again.
Sadly, that's life.
Brilliant knitting by the way.
Ha! That almost made me spill my coffee, Ray. :) I'm sorry to have been AWOL so long. Given the weather at the moment it's very nice to be staying quietly at home rather than gallivanting around the place. Time enough for that in the spring when the weather should be better.
DeleteGlad you like the sweater. I had fun knitting something other than socks for once.
It is lovely to see you back in this space again Perpetua and to know all is well apart from the usual niggles that seem to affect us at this time of year.
ReplyDeleteI too have the autumn cough and H lost a filling just before we departed on our last trip necessitating an extra trip to our old haunts in Hertfordshire at a most inconvenient time, but we survive to tell the tale.
How special to have another little baby in the family to knit for, he looks a contented little boy, and it must give you both a lot of joy listening to your grandson practicing on the organ.
And it's lovely to be back, thanks, Rosemary. Sorry to hear that your seasonal ailments mirror ours. The cough has been a deep-seated one this time and has only just gone completely. Fortunately our dentist is in the nearby little market town, so no inconvenient trips needed for DH.
DeleteIt was lovely to meet my new great-nephew who very much resembles DS at the same age. I had great fun taking Grandson#1 to his organ practice, whereas DH only hears him when we visit in Yorkshire.
What a nice surprise to see your blog pop up Perpetua, and I am glad to hear that your annual check came back clear - it is always such a relief. It is disappointing to miss your trip north, but hopefully there will be compensations in Wales, lots of clarinet to enjoy as well as seeing your grandson play that village church organ. Is that an old pump organ? I used to play one at our church, back in the olden days! Everything is electric in our churches nowadays. Happy knitting and I hope the weather smiles on you soon.
ReplyDeleteOh, dear, it's come to something when a post from me is now a nice surprise, Patricia. :) I really must do better in future. Yes, it was a relief to have a clear result from the mammogram, but it wasn't an annual one. In the UK we only have them every 3 years except in special circumstances.
DeleteI'm enjoying the relaxation of being at home without lots of commitments on the calendar. Now I've recovered from the cold I have plenty of things to get on with between now and going to visit the family for Christmas. Poor weather won't bother me at all. :)
Yes, it's a pump organ, though the bellows are electrically powered nowadays. Small villages churches in the UK still usually have old pipe organs, many of them sadly in very poor condition. Grandson#1 says this one is quite good. :)
So sweet to see the little one wearing the lovingly knit sweater.It is a bit sad that you will miss your trip north, but perhaps it is a time of rest and restoration in your home. You have been very busy I know. Take a deep breath (without coughing) and play on.
ReplyDeleteI was pleased the sweater wasn't miles too big for him, Bonnie. I made a larger size for him to grow into but he's a big boy for his age. As far as the trip north is concerned I'm actually quite glad now we didn't go. DH has quite a lot on his plate which will be easier to deal with here. Also given the awful weather home is probably the best place for us.
DeleteDear Perpetua
ReplyDeleteYou may be grounded for this autumn, but at least you have avoided the worst of Storm Abigail! So it's not all bad. I hope your Scottish house survives unscathed. Take care and recover well.
And, yes, were watching this space.....
Thanks, Spindrift. We haven't had an SOS from our Scottish neighbours, so hopefully we'll find everything intact in the spring. I gather from a friend in Orkney that Abigail wasn't as bad as forecast - severe gale rather than storm.
DeleteI'm feeling much better now, so we MUST have our long-postponed get-together soon. :)
As the doting new grandma thanks both for the lovely sweater & the gorgeous photo of my grandson wearing it! He was wearing it when we saw him this week.
ReplyDeleteWe hope you get over your cold & your DH his urgent dental work so that you can both enjoy the whole autumn in your cosy new home.
I enjoyed knitting the sweater but I'm amazed it fits him so well already. The lovely photo was posted by the proud parents on FB. He's a gorgeous little chap who reminds me very much of DS at the same age.
DeleteThe cold has gone now, thanks, and even the cough is only a memory, thank goodness. The dental work continues, but will be worth it in the end.
It's always wonderful to read your blog posts and I feel the need to do a lot of catching up with you! Like so many others, my posting has slowed down to a mere trickle -- I keep thinking I will get back to it and then another day goes by and I've not done it! Glad you are now on the mend and that there is a plan for DH's teeth. Indeed, Scotland does not sound like the place to be at the moment! It's bad enough here! Sometimes it is for the best not to be Perpetually in Transit ;-) -- so enjoy several weeks of peace and tranquility and get yourself fit and well. Lovely sweater on a beautiful little boy...
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you, Broad. Yes, we're rather out of touch with each other at the moment, aren't we? We really must meet up again next time we head north.
DeleteI'm glad to know I'm not the only one whose blogging muse isn't doing her job properly. I do get ideas, but other things get in the way and the moment is lost. Must do better!
I'm actually rather glad now that we are staying put. The weather is awful and likely to get worse. or at least much colder, and having a few weeks with nothing on the calendar feels very restful. Glad you like the sweater. :)
Glad you are better - you should stock up with some olive leaf extract to ward off coughs and colds. It's a good thing you didn't go North. Ive just had friends nr Tomatin send me photos of their snowy front garden.
ReplyDeleteOlive leaf extract is a new one to me. Must investigate. Actually I don't get many colds. This is the first since the one I had last autumn. Yes, I gather the north has had its first snow of the winter. From the forecast it looks like we may get some before too long!
DeleteHi Perpetua, it's so nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear of your illness and your husband's dental troubles. I hope both are just a memory soon. It sounds like you're making the most of your decision to stay where you are. I'm sure the weather must be better there. I liked seeing your photos of recent times. The baby's cardigan is beautiful, you did a great job with it. I hope you're better soon, take care and have a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jennifer. It's good to be back and i'll be across to catch up with you soon. I'm feeling much better now, thanks, and I'm sure DH will be happy once all the appointments are over. Given the terrible weather we're having at present, I'm glad to be quiet and cosy at home. Glad you like the baby sweater. I must admit I'm rather pleased with it myself and he certainly looks comfortable in it. :)
DeleteIt's nice to see a post from you again! I'm sorry you have been under the weather, and that your trip north had to be cancelled. On the other hand, it must feel rather nice to be settled for the autumn and winter.
ReplyDeleteIt feels good to have written one too, Kristie. :) The cold was a nuisance while it lasted, but I'm over it now and enjoying the feeling of being settled at home during this awful weather and having plenty of time to get on with things.
DeleteThe sweater is adorable as is the boy wearing it. And it looks to be a perfect fit with just a little bit of growing room which I'm sure he will soon be needing.
ReplyDeleteThe view out of your window is not bright and sunny but soft and serene making for a cozy warm feeling from inside looking out.
I love soft, grey days and it seems curious to have the weather people always apologizing for incoming rain and fog as it it's the most awful thing imaginable.
He's a gorgeous little boy, Vic, and I'm glad I made the sweater with some growing room as he's also big for his age. If I'd made the next size down he'd be out of it in weeks!
DeleteI'm glad you like the view from my window. It looks rather different now, as this weekend gales have torn all the remaining leaves from the trees, making it look bare and wintry. But I don't mind. Like you I enjoy the variety of the weather and would truly hate unbroken sunshine.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear the cold had reappeared again this year Perpetua!
The little jumper is gorgeous, as is the model! I miss the cooler days of a cool climate as knitting in Australian heat is tedious. And knitwear is seldom needed.
I hope the stormy weather forecasted for parts of the UK misses your little piece of paradise.
Thanks for the sympathy, Shirley. As long as the cold remains an annual event I suppose I shouldn't grumble. When the children were at school they seemed to bring home colds all the time. :)
DeleteYes, the jumper does look good on my handsome great-nephew. I have a feeling he may look a lot like DS when he's older. It must be hard for a keen knitter to live somewhere where knitwear is almost superfluous. :(
The worst of the stormy weather has been and thankfully gone, though it will still be wet asnd windy this week, before colder weather comes in. Winter is around the corner.
Its lovely to hear from you P. A shame about the cancelled trip, but it sounds as if you are enjoying staying put for a change. The knitting is gorgeous, as is that beautiful boy. I do hope your cough has cleared up completely now. Enjoy your Welsh winter, Jx
ReplyDeleteThanks, Janice, it's good to be back. :) Your're quite right about the cancelled trip. Now I'm over the disappointment, I can see lots of reasons why it's good to be at home, the weather for one. It's showing no sign of letting up. Glad you like the picture of my lovely great-nephew in his new sweater. He's a real sweetie. :)
DeleteDear Perpetua, a sense of deep contentment permeates this posting of yours. This year you are not traveling north and yet you are serene about that. I'm glad to learn that you are feeling better, that the cough is giving up its hold on you. I'm thinking that your new house has truly become a home.
ReplyDeleteThe sweater is lovely. Peace.
How lovely to see you commenting again, Dee, and I'm glad you like my great-nephew's new sweater.
DeleteYou are quite right. I'm very contented to be here in Wales, getting on with my Christmas preparations and keeping poor DH company as he goes through his course of dental treatment. Scotland will still be there next spring and the weather will be much better then. :)
What a lovely post. You summed it up all up so beautifully with the posting of the picture of the last rose of summer.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sally. I love the last rose too and I'm so glad I brought it inside to admire as the continuing dreadful weather would have shredded it. I've enjoyed November at home for once.