It’s been a busy week, chockfull of fun and activity interspersed with chatty meals and quiet times of listening as the grandsons practised their music. Now DH and I are packing for our trip up to Scotland and desperately trying to work out how to fit a quart into a pint-pot.
At the worst possible time for us the speedometer cable on the very small campervan has given up the ghost and Peugeot seems to have forgotten how to keep supplies of spare parts readily available. We've been waiting for a replacement cable for over two weeks and it won’t be here until next week at least. This means that our new compact car now has to carry not only DH and me and what we need for a fortnight away, but also two leggy grandsons and all their clothes and games and musical instruments as far as Yorkshire. Wish us luck….
The really good news is that after a few days when we hadn't seen him, our friendly neighbourhood hare paid us a breakfast visit this morning – his breakfast, not ours. I always said weeding was a waste of time and effort....