of the many advantages of writing a blog is the way it acts as a useful record
of what has been happening in the life of a non-diary-keeper like me. Go back
to this time last year and I am reminded that after a very busy October we had visits
from my dear mother-in-law and DD and her family, with lots of board games and music practice,
conversation and laughter. I’m also reminded that DD
brought with her, and generously shared with me, a cold which gave me a
persistent cough which lasted until the middle of November.
if you want to know what has been happening to me since my last post, you only
need to go back and reread my first paragraph. Granted the busyness this October
wasn’t due to moving house but to helping out every week in the parish plus a
few other activities, but the rest is almost word-for word the same as last
year, right down to the cold and cough.
big difference from last autumn is that we’ve almost reached the middle of November
and are still in Wales. Just like last year, we had been planning to head north
as soon as our visitors had returned home. However when the time came we had no
choice but to reassess the situation. On the one hand there was me, feeling distinctly
under the weather with my bad cold, on the other was DH with an urgent and
unavoidable series of dental appointments if he wants to be able to eat his Christmas
dinner in comfort.
reluctantly we came to the conclusion we had to cancel this autumn’s visit,
which is why we have been enjoying our first November in the new house instead.
Not that the weather has been cooperating with us. After a wonderfully calm, mild and colourful October, November is now doing its best to add to our electricity bills
with leaden skies that necessitate keeping the lights on all day and copious
rain to ensure that the area doesn’t run short of water this winter.
on the bright side, I’ve stopped
coughing and can again blow hard enough to practise my
sadly-neglected clarinet and I’ve finished not only my great-nephew’s sweater, but
also yet another pair of socks for myself. I have all the ingredients for this year’s
batch of mincemeat and, best of all, my recent mammogram came back clear. It will
be a quiet winter here in Wales, but I’m looking forward to it.
The sweater finished at last |
And the boy himself wearing it |
Grandson#1 doing organ practice in a nearby village church |
The view from my study on a calm, misty day in October |
The last rose of summer safe on the kitchen windowsill |