Sunday, March 18, 2012

A fix, a fix, my kingdom for a fix!


The fix below is no longer necessary as the Quick Edit tools have been restored as of the beginning of April.

As I’m going to church this evening for a change, I've just spent much of the morning ploughing through the deeply user-unfriendly new version of the Blogger Help forums. But it was worth it, as I've found a fix for the new country-redirect system, which I bemoaned yesterday.

One forum contributor said that the fix only lasts for as long as we have our browser open and that we would have to do it again every time the browser was re-opened, but that isn't proving true for me at the moment. In fact I have even closed down my computer and rebooted it and the fix is still working, though of course, this being Blogger, there is no guarantee that it will continue to do so indefinitely.

Still, even a temporary fix is better than no fix at all, so what you have to do is this:

Open your blog, then edit its address in your browser address bar. Delete the or .fr or whatever it may be, then after the word blogspot add .com/ncr and hit your return key. This takes your blog address back to and Hey Presto! all the Quick Edit tools are back. J

Given that we all have different circles of followers, can I please strongly urge you either to do a post on this yourselves or to point people in the direction of this post, so as to spread the word as widely as possible. I’m more than happy for you to copy as much of yesterday’s post and this one as you need in order to do so, as there is no point in everyone reinventing the wheel. Fingers crossed that it continues to work….

Image via Wylio


  1. My blog still reads and I still have my quick fixes, but for the longest time it has been redirecting through you tube for some odd reason and I never could figure it out. I did see that others had the same problem though. Finally, I gave up.

    1. Rubye, thankfully you Americans aren't affected by this change as far as I know and probably never will be. But up north in Canada, here in Europe, and in the far East, it's been causing problems for a lot of people. As for being redirected through YouTube, that's a new one to me and I haven't a clue about it.

  2. Hello Perpetua:
    You are always so very generous in the way in which you take the time and trouble to share and pass on your experiences of Blogger in order to make life easier for the rest of us. It is much appreciated.

    WE do hope that the service tonight may be traditional Evensong, something which is rather rare these days and which we greatly miss.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance.You're very welcome. I'm always very happy to share anything I learn with my blogging friends. Anything to lessen the frustrations of wrestling with Blogger....

      Sadly, my evening service won't be Evensong, as it's not available anywhere in this area nowadays. But a quiet evening Eucharist is also very special.

  3. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant - you truly are a wonderful friend to find - thank you very much.

    1. You're very welcome, Rosemary. I'm so glad it works and looks like continuing to do so and also that it is so simple to implement.:-) Not sure it's what Google had in mind though...:-)

  4. Thank you Perpetua...the curse of Blogger has not yet struck Costa Rica but thanks to you I shall be prepared.

    1. Nice to be ahead of the game for once, Fly. :-) It seems to be happening in stages, with India and Australasia being the first victims a few weeks ago. Now it's Europe and Canada, so it's getting closer.....

  5. Works a treat. I was wondering where those tools had gone.

    Many thanks

    1. You're very welcome, Mark. I only recognised what had happened because of having seen the earlier complaints when looking for something else in the help forums. The instant fix was an unexpected bonus.

  6. Perpetua, I so do greatly admire your tenacity in these things. I too have a compulsion to find fixes to problems with computer and Internet issues -- but you are the master!

    1. Thanks, Broad. I think tenacity sound so much better than sheer bloodymindedness. :-) To my great surprise I've found I really enjoy getting to grips with the blogging software and finding ways to make it work. I'm not a techie and don't do code, but I don't like to be beaten by the basic system and I don't like to think of others struggling if I can help in any way.

  7. Gee whiz...I wish I knew what everyone is talking about. I don't seem to have any problems with anything so far...on the other hand, I don't have all the bits and pieces on my blog that everyone else seems to have...I just consider myself supremely lucky if my computer actually starts and lets me put fingers to keys. However, good to know where I can get help when I need it...thanks Perpetua! Smiles - Astrid

    1. Astrid, I'm glad to say that I don't think there's any need for US bloggers to worry about this, as Google is based in the US anyway. It's basically a way for Google to separate off blogs based in other countries so that if they contravene local laws, Google can censor them locally. Sadly the way they are doing this has resulted in the loss of all the Quick Edit tools which is why we're all looking for ways round it.

  8. I'm so sorry that you've been having trouble, Perpetua, but good for you for sticking with it and getting through to some answers! Every time I finally figure out some solution to a technical problem I'm just so proud of myself, and glad that I can still do it! Here's hoping you've solved your problem! Debra

    1. It seems to be working perfectly at the moment, thanks, Debra. You describe exactly how I feel about being able to sort out technical problems myself if I can, even if it just means knowing where to go to find the answer. It's nice to know that even senior citizens can still do this kind of thing . :-)

  9. I did what you said, Perpetua, simply on the basis that you said I should...I hadn't actually registered that the tools had disappeared but I now can see that the little pencil has reappeared at the end of my posts, which means I can amend things more quickly. I am horribly lazy these days about this sort of thing but when I was working, it would have driven me totally mad until I got it sorted! Thank you! Axxx

    1. Annie, you have much better things to do with your time than sit there noticing every little glitch with Blogger and trying to work out what to do about it. I'm happy to help, as I know how frustrated I felt as soon as I realised what had happened. Hene my desire to let as many people know as possible.

  10. Good for you, Perpetua. I'm in awe of your stick-to-itiveness and your gift of sharing with others. From the comments above, it sounds like you've made everyone's blogger experience a little easier. What a wondrous community blogging is.

    1. Thanks, Penny. I've always been rather stubborn about things like this and like to get to the bottom of problems if I can. Once I've done so, it seems worth sharing what I've found with others to save everyone having to redo the work. I've learned so much from other bloggers in the past year, that it's my way of giving something back.

  11. Dear Perpetua, You are, without a doubt, a wonder! Peace.

    1. Dee, I think DH might sooner call me pig-headed. :-) I just don't like to be beaten and all I did here was to find a fix someone else had worked out. But it does make a difference....

  12. Oh wow, thank you so much for this :D

    1. You're very welcome, Annie. Glad to be able to help. ;-


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